If you are looking for an experienced team in the field of precise balancing confirmed by appropriate certificates, please contact us. We will help and solve any problem.
Within 25 years, we have balanced tens of thousands of rotors as a service and we have gained the necessary experience. We are a leader in the production of balancing machines on the Polish market and one of the major manufacturers in the world.
We provide balancing services in the selected accuracy class.
To confirm the quality of our work, we enclose balancing certificates.
We provide services on time and reliably.
As a service, we balance any machine parts that are delivered to our headquarters on stationary balancers and in own bearings at the customer’s.
The balancers on which
we work are used to precisely balance a large variety of rotors of various shapes and sizes used in many industries.
Why is it worthwhile to balance?
- prendetevi cura del vostro portafoglio, i dispositivi sbilanciati si usurano più velocemente e sono soggetti a costosi guasti
- la qualità dei componenti prodotti aumenterà.
- aumenterete la sicurezza delle persone che si trovano in prossimità di elementi rotanti
- il comfort aumenta quando si utilizzano dispositivi con elementi ben bilanciati (eliminazione di rumori e vibrazioni).
- in ogni caso, il bilanciamento degli elementi rotanti influisce sul loro corretto funzionamento.
Prezzi di equilibrio |
Consegne, incassi e fatture |
Jarosław Kępa +48. 606.308.598 e-mail: sales.cmt@ascentialtech.com | Dominika Grzegorzewska +48.605.889.385 e-mail: sales.cmt@ascentialtech.com |
Indirizzo di consegna dei rotori per il servizio di equilibratura:
Przedsiębiorstwo CIMAT Sp. z o.o.Balancing Services Department